Ceccarelli fat burning injections

The Ceccarelli solution contains vitamin C, a little iron and an anaesthetic. When injected into the target area, it causes the natural destruction of the fat cell making it a quick, easy and safe way to melt away small areas of stubborn fat. It can be used on the face, but we typically use it to treat the resistant fat on the body. It’s a very reliable way to shave a few centimeters off your stomach to help you reveal abs, can help blitz love handles, bra bulges, fatty knees, and even cankles.

While a Ceccarelli treatment might result in a little bruising, the swelling is much less than what you’d get with a Lipodissolve treatment and thus you don’t need an extra radiofrequency treatment afterwards. You could have it done and go back to work on the same day. You’ll also notice that results are visible within a day and will continue to improve over a two-week period.

Another of the advantages of a Ceccarelli treatment over a Lipodissolve one is that the former requires fewer sessions than the latter to achieve the same result. Because This is because, due to it not producing much swelling, you can inject a lot more Ceccarelli solution than you could Lipodissolve. This means it works a lot faster, in terms of reaching your goal, and makes it a lot easier on the pocket too.

All you need to know about Ceccarelli
For best results, you’d need about 2 to 3 treatments spaced two weeks apart.


  • Can treat your face but is best for larger areas like your body
  • Doesn’t produce as much swelling as Lipodissolve
  • Results are visible from the first treatment
  • You require less Ceccarelli treatments than you would Lipodissolve
  • No extra radiofrequency treatment is required
  • Can be combined with other treatments
  • Can be used on all skin types


  • Isn’t ideal for very precise treatments as the solution can migrate
In conclusion
If you’re wanting to get rid of stubborn fat, both Lipodissolve and Ceccarelli treatments can do the trick. Lipodissolve involves a bit of patience and downtime, but its ability to target small areas makes it ideal for treating your face while Ceccarelli, being quicker and less expensive is a great way to get rid of fat on your body.